Monday, October 19, 2009

Information overload

So, I have decied that I have started to overload myself with information that is pretty much worthless. Yesterday one of the teachers in my class said "There is no worthless information." I beg to differ. He said this was evident because of an example from his mission. The story goes as follows

"I was once in a house with an inactive family, and I noticed that in the case behind us was all 7 seasons of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer". I then went on to relate all 7 seasons of "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" to all the prophets of this dispensation..."

REALLY!? I consider this dumb blind luck, but I think that knowing that my iPhone 3G is slower than a 3GS because it fails to utilize a few parts of the digital spectrum that the 3GS uses, I fail to see that as important, yet I do know it.

Oh well.. So this is where the story is going, I decided to start using RSS feeds for getting information. For those who do not know RSS stands for Really Simple Syndicate, it allows me to have a bunch of articles placed in a box for my viewing on my phone or even my browser, almost like getting emailed the top stories from the day as they happen. In doing this I hope that I will be able to slim down the information that I am taking in and just read articles that are actually important.

Also I have found some interesting things over the last few days as a close friend of mine prepares to get married. Last evening we discovered "synthetic diamonds". I was always under the impression that synthetic diamonds were cubic zirconium, which isn't true. There is a newer technology in the market today. Companies have created technology that will create diamonds with extreme heat and pressure in a diamond oven, and then will cut them and sell them as "synthetic diamonds". Maybe its the business man in me but I really like this idea. Better quality, no monopoly of the trade and less abuse of the labor force in the diamond mines. However, I would love to hear everyone's opinion about it... We are talking about a 2 carat diamond for about 200 bucks...

Or you could even rival Kim Kardashian
Her 7 Carat ring reportedly cost somewhere of about 20 million...
Synthetic Price: 729 Dollars...

The interesting thing is, they are identical to the diamonds mined around the world, a jeweler could never tell the difference if it wasn't for a laser inscription marked by diamond companies. I really don't see the point... Maybe you do... Let us hear it!

Take care!
PS: 20 Mil @ 2% per year is $400,000 dollars (2% per year is the average rate on a 1 year CD)
20 Mil @ 3.35% Per year is $670,000 (5 year CD)

Obviously there are better ways to invest, but a 20 Mil trust would be cooler but eh, its Reggie Bush what more could you ask?

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